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Leaf Collection in the Borough has been discontinued due to the lack of participation and more importantly, the lack of a disposal location. You may put leaves in the trash for collecton on any regular trash day.
The Borough Snow Plow Crew are a group of dedicated individuals willing to come to work any time of the day or night to salt and plow the roads to make them safe for the community and our visitors.
Once any snow or freezing rain begins to fall, the Public Works Department starts to salt the borough roadways to maintain passable conditions.
Please be patient if following the truck and be sure to stay clear of the salt spreader
to avoid injury and damage to your vehicle.
While shoveling driveways and sidewalks, the Borough asks residents to not pile snow in the public roadways. Placing the removed
snow to the left of your driveway
when facing the house, will help
to keep your driveway from being
plowed-in when the plow truck
is clearing the roadway.
Please remember that it is impossible
to keep snow from being deposited
in driveways and sidewalks.
For safety and efficiency,
plows cannot be lifted at driveways.
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